Contoh Kalimat Aktif Dan Pasif : Visitpare.Com

Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris
Kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif ini akan dibedakan menjadi 5 jenis kalimat. Kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif dalam bentuk simple present tense. Kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif dalam bentuk past tense.

Kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif dalam bentuk perfect tense. Kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif dalam bentuk past continuous. Terakhir adalah kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif dalam bentuk present continuous tense. Berikut ini contohnya untuk anda.

1. Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Kalimat Pasif dalam Bentuk Simple Present Tense
[Active Voice] She read a book in the library. (Dia membaca buku di perpustakaan)
[Passive Voice] The book is read by her in the library. (Buku dibaca olehnya di perpustakaan)
[Active Voice] My parents buy a new car this morning. (Orang tuaku membeli mobil baru pagi ini)
[Passive Voice] The new car is bought by my parents this morning. (Mobil baru dibeli orang tuaku pagi ini)
[Active Voice] My little sister ask the waiter to bring a water. (Adikku meminta pelayan untuk membawakan segelas air)
[Passive Voice] The waiter is asked by my little sister to bring a water. (Pelayan dimintai adikku untuk membawakan segelas air)
[Active Voice] Gembul eat fried rice in the moring. (Gembul makan nasi goreng pagi ini)
[Passive Voice] Fried rice is ate by gembul in the morning. (Nasi goreng dimakan Gembul pagi ini)
[Active Voice] I ride a bike when she run next to me. (Aku mengendarai sepeda saat dia berlari di sebelahku)
[Passive Voice] The bike is rode by me when she run next to me. (Sepeda dikendarai olehku saat dia berlari di sebelahku)
[Active Voice] Bambang wash that friuts in the river. (Bambang mencuci buah-buahan di sungai)
[Passive Voice] That fruits are washed by Bambang in the river. (Buah-buahan dicuci bambang di sungai)
[Active Voice] I gril a snapper last summer. (Aku membakar ikan kakap di musim panas kemarin)
[Passive Voice] A Snapper is grilled by me last summer. (Ikan kakap dibakar olehku di musim panas kemarin)
[Active Voice] I punch Ridho when Mr. Dakir’s class. (Aku memukul Ridho saat kelas Pak Dakir)
[Passive Voice] Ridho is punched by me when Mr. Dakir’s class. (Ridho dipukul olehku saat kelas Pak Dakir)
[Active Voice] I hate spinach because it’s taste bitter. (Aku benci bayam karena rasanya yang pahit)
[Passive Voice] Spinach is hatted by me because it’s taste bitter. (Bayam dibenci olehku karena rasanya yang pahit)
[Active Voice] I love her at the first sight. (Aku menyukainya pada pandangan pertama)
[Passive Voice] She is loved by me at the first sight. (Dia disukai olehku pada pandangan pertama)
2. Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Kalimat Pasif dalam Bentuk Past Tense
[Active Voice] I bought this shoes yesterday. (Aku membeli sepatu ini kemarin)
[Passive Voice] This shoes was bought by me yesterday. (Sepatu ini dibeli olehku kemarin)
[Active Voice] She called me everyday after that. (Dia menelponku setiap hari setelah kejadian itu)
[Passive Voice] I was called everyday by her after that incident. (Aku ditelpon setiap hari olehnya setelah kejadian itu)
[Active Voice] Gembul ate fried chicken last night. (Gembul makan ayam goreng tadi malam)
[Passive Voice] Fried chicken was ate by Gembul last night. (Ayam goreng dimakan Gembul tadi malam)
[Active Voice] My mother cooked rendang last Eid. (Ibuku memasak rendang Idul Fitri kemarin)
[Passive Voice] Rendang cooked by my mother last Eid. (Rendang dimasak ibuku Idul Fitri kemarin)
[Active Voice] I punched Ridho after he mock me. (Aku memukul Ridho setelah dia mengejekku)
[Passive Voice] Ridho was punched by me after he mock me. (Ridho dipukul oleh aku setelah dia mengejekku)
[Active Voice] She sent me a message around 9 pm. (Dia mengirim pesan padaku sekitar jam 9 malam)
[Passive Voice] I was sent a message by her around 9 pm. (Aku dikirimi pesan olehnya sekitar jam 9 malam)
[Active Voice] Dibyo played soccer yesterday. (Dibyo bermain sepak bola kemarin)
[Passive Voice] Soccer was played by Dibyo yesterday. (Sepak bola dimainkan oleh Dibyo kemarin)
[Active Voice] I met them in the park. (Aku bertemu dengan mereka di taman)
[Passive Voice] They were met by me in the park. (Mereka ditemukan olehku di taman)
[Active Voice] Newton discovered gravity on 1643. (Newton menemukan grafitasi pada tahun 1643)
[Passive Voice] The Gravity was discovered by Newton on 1643. (Grafitasi ditemukan oleh Newton pada tahun 1643)
[Active Voice] This lotion burned my skin after three weeks. (Lotion ini membakar kulitku setlah 3 minggu)
[Passive Voice] My skin was burned by this lotion after three weeks. (Kulitku dibakar oleh lotion ini setelah 3 minggu)

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