The banking service is in touch with the call centre : Jagad

HSBC Call Center Services for Your Customers

HSBC’s call center is very beneficial for its customers | the name HSBC is not really very popular in small towns | but popularity is increasing in some big cities. In fact, the bank has successfully competed with many big names like BCA and Mandiri| His passion in improving service is also very unusual|

Increasingly, the services provided are constantly improving. However, continuous improvements often confuse some customers| Confusion was felt because the available features were getting more and more| To solve the problem, contacting the CS may be the best choice.

However, due to the large number of services available, HSBC does not offer a single call center only for its customers| There are many numbers that can be communicated according to the problem at hand| So, it  would be better to know the service options and the available HSBC call centre number in advance|

The banking service is in touch with the call centre

HSBC banking service customers have been divided into several groups| However, the most common group is the dominant species| This is the group with the highest number of customers| This is reasonable considering its own use of features in general without any further value| There are two numbers to contact the premier banking service|

The first number is 1500-700. This number can be communicated throughout Indonesia. However, those of you who are abroad will not be able to communicate with him. While abroad, the number to dial is 6221-2551-4722. Its use necessarily uses interlocal rates|

Both numbers can be contacted at any time. This is because its own CS is active for 24 hours|  Availability of HSBC call centre for 24 hours  Not only for premier customers | advance banking services can also be contacted for 24 hours |, however, this number is definitely different from premier services.

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The number is also divided in half for domestic and foreign needs| For domestic needs, you must call 1500-808. Regarding the need when outside the territory of Indonesia, you can contact 6221-2552-6603. In fact, there is another type of service that HSBC offers|

The type is fusion banking. However, there are not many users of this service like premier or advance. But even if there aren’t many, the HSBC call center is still available for fusion services | contact, you can call 1500-501. This number is meant for consumers in the region of Indonesia|

However, because it is often not used, no numbers are provided for customers from abroad| In fact, this number is inactive for 24 hours. You can contact him only from 9am to 5pm| The availability itself | only on Mondays to Fridays.

Contacting for credit card services

In addition to banking,  contacting HSBC call center is also intended for credit card purposes | credit card requirement is also divided into several types | the most common type with the highest number of users must be premier | for premier credit card purposes, you can call 1500-700.

This number is used in indonesian territory| Call 6221-2551-4722 while outside Indonesia. These numbers can be accessed in every nook and corner of the world| Naturally, interlocal rates will apply. Whether it is a number for foreign or domestic, both of them can be contacted at any time|

This is because its CS is also available for 24 hours| CS availability is also available for 24 hours for signature credit card requirements. This type of credit card is one level above the premiere. So the number of customers is less.

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When you  want to contact the HSBC call center for a signature credit card  , there are two numbers available. These two numbers include 1500-800 and 6221-2552-6603. The first number is communicated for domestic purposes while the second number is communicated for foreign purposes|

Both have been equally active for 24 hours| Existence of CS is also available for platinum credit card type| This is the highest grade type in HSBC| The number of users is not really high| However, platinum services are always given priority so that customers are not disappointed.

Domestic and foreign needs can be contacted| For domestic, the number is 1500-808 while for foreigners the number is 6221-2552-6603. Both are also available for 24 hours so platinum credit card customers can communicate at any time|

There are still other types in credit card services

The most famous credit card services in a bank must be premiere, advance, and platinum | However, there are other services offered by HSBC| This service is for cashback credit card requirements. Like other types,  there is a special HSBC call centre for these services  | its activation is also | for 24 hours.

The first one is 1500-808. It can be contacted for domestic service needs. The next time is 6221-2552-6603. It can be contacted if it needs to be abroad| In fact, for credit card requirements in general, the cashback type is the last type.

But in the case, there are often conditions where other problems often arise| The problem cannot be classified into any of the above types| If you experience this type of problem, call 1500-808 when you are in Indonesia and 6221-2552-6603 when you are abroad.

However, the availability of such numbers is not 24 hours. The relationship can only reach Monday to Friday. Time itself is only during work hours, which ranges from 07.00 to 21.00 | If it has passed that time, the customer needs to wait until the next day.

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There are other services outside of banking and credit cards

Apart from banking and credit cards, there are still other services available. This service actually serves as a support for the convenience of the customer| The first requirement relates to personal loans| It is unlikely that a bank does not offer this feature| So, there is a special HSBC call centre for these  purposes|

But like other credit card issues, this service is available only from 07.00 to 21.00. Contacting him himself must be done on weekdays i.e. Monday to Friday| For domestic needs, relationships 1500808*. As for foreign needs, relationships are 6221-2552-6603.

Naturally, there are foreign tariffs for secondary communications| In addition to personal loan purposes, the application now has special ties to service as well. However, the available HSBC call centers are intended only for domestic needs | his own contact is 1500-707 | personal loan service, you cannot contact him during the holidays.

The service is available only from Monday to Friday. Even on that day, you can only communicate from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. This time is much narrower than the requirement of a personal loan where CS is available till 9 pm|

If you look at the details above, HSBC is very comprehensive in providing the call center. With these detailed terms, every user issue must be resolved| So, be sure to communicate when you are facing a problem. After all, the CS of the HSBC call center  is always friendly in the face of every complaint|

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